Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Addition in 2014

Well I have been keeping a secret. We are expecting a new baby.

This baby came as a BIG surprise to us. We were not planning on having anymore kids. I mean its been 4 years. We had our kids back to back, literally, they are 13 months apart each. Everyone said we were crazy to do it that way, but we love it. Yes they fight but they are also each others best friends. Now they are 6, 5, 4 and we no longer have any baby items and the house is no longer fully baby proofed. So imagine what was going through my head when this bundle of joy surprise came. I have spent the last 5 months worrying and making lists in my head of everything that we need to do.
I always said to those who had a 4 year old and a baby they were crazy, that looked difficult. Well we will soon find out. Although, my girls couldn't be happier about this new addition. It took me a while to adjust, but now that I am feeling him/her kick and move around I am getting excited. Don't get me wrong I am still nervous as heck, but I believe someone has a plan for us. We said when we found out that it was obviously meant to be, and that someone has a bigger plan for us.

So this new year is bringing in a whole new experience for us. 2014 we will become a family of 6 and lots of new first and exciting moments will happen.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Kitchen Aid Cover/Cozy

So with the holidays fast approaching, you may sometimes find it hard to find what you want to get someone. My brother and sister-in-law are probably my hardest, as they always buy what they want, so you never get the chance to surprise them. Well I noticed my sister-in-law had a Sears bag over her kitchen aid as she didn't want it to get dusty when not used. So with the help of my brother I found the perfect gift for her. But instead of trying to find one. I have been hunting for the prefect fabric and mentally trying to figure out how I was going to make it.
Well I finally sat down and designed out my plan, then got the fabric and went at it. There are a few things I would change the next time I make one, but overall I like the design of this. It took a bit of time, but if you enjoy sewing I am sure this project is a easy one for you to make. I will be editing the DIY on how to make it for my youtube channel.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Started a NEW JOB!!

Alright so its been a while since I posted. I know last time I was talking about leaving my prior job. Now well I have found a new job and I love it so far. It is in an office environment, which I have been wanting. The shifts work great with my children and I am not physically tired when I get home from work. Don't get me wrong I am still mentally tired but thats just from reading and typing all day. But all and all the trade off is better. Being the end of the summer though I am missing out on the time during the day with my girls, but I have been trying to make sure our evenings and weekends are fun and filled.
So with the school year approaching, I am working on my kids back to school supplies. I want to hear from you what you are making or doing for your kids back to school. We will be going shopping on thursday to let them pick out a few things they want, being that they are still young they actually don't need much, which is nice for the bank account.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big Decision and Sad but Happy

Today was not a pleasant day for me. I have had a show booked for over 5 months. I thought I had everything worked out with my kids for who would watch them so I could do this show. Unfortunately it did not go in my favour. I was okay with this. Sure I was sad I was out the money I paid for my spot, I was sad about the potential sales I could of made, new faces I could of met and see familiar faces. You see, I absolutely love doing shows and being part of the community. I however love my children more. I have not had as much time as I would like for my business with the girls getting older and we all being more active.
I think after today, Kay eLle Handmades will be an online store only. I don't think I will be committing to as many shows as I once did. I just haven't had the time nor really the energy to do so. I work (hmm I guess I should write a new blog about that eh) and when I am home I want to spend the time with my kids.

I loved my day today with my youngest, we had a blast. That's what really important right now. I LOVE crafting and making things, but I just don't think I can do it as much as I once did. It has been 7 years to get to where I am at and I will still continue to work towards where I want it to be, but for now I will be dialing back in the public events and shows. I hope you can all understand that and will support me through buying online! Thanks everyone as always I appreciate all of you and all the support you have given me.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Scalp Cleaning (a method that actually worked)

Yellow is the build up!
First I am gonna write that I know it has been a long time since I have blogged. For that I am sorry. Summer has been busy. But I have something I want to share. A method you all might know about but might not have tried or might have.

It started a few weeks ago I was talking to a fellow mom. We were talking about money saving and the different things we do to save money. As some of you may know I make my own children's clothing, my own laundry soap, dish soap, pasta... Well whatever I have time for really. I try and make sure I am well planned a head for some of these things as they are time absorbent. Anyways, back to the story. She was telling me how she stopped using shampoo. Immediately I was like, "What how can you not?" She was telling me how she now using baking soda in the shower and how her hair has never felt better. I might add I had noticed proir to this knownlege her hair had been looking quite nice and silky smooth, I was jealous.

Well the other night I was braiding my daughters hair and I noticed a build up, might I add yet again. This has been an issue with her since she was a baby. For some reason her scalp is always got a build up on it. I don't have baby photos on this computer or I'd show you, but perhaps I will add that photo in later. Well after she went to bed that night, I talked with her dad and we agreed this needs dealt with as soon as possible. We have tried the oils, the shampoos, we've even taken her to salons to have them wash it and still there is a lot of build up left.

Knowing that this is a issue we are very cautious with the shampoos and conditioners we use as well as we rinse completely. But no matter what, her scalp is always, might I say GROSS! Now I know some of you are probably wondering why am I sharing this? Well, while I was sitting in bed reading I remember the conversation with my fellow mom about how she using baking soda instead of shampoo. I thought, hey tomorrow after work we will attempt this. I had NO IDEA what I was going to do, or how to do this, but figured everything else has not worked lets see if this will.

I set up the counter, and got a towel wrapped up by the sink, for her to have some comfort, cause I knew it might be awhile massaging her head. I also gave her a towel to chew on if she felt it hurt, my daughter is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to her hair and cleansing it.

With her head over the sink, her laying on the counter I soaked her hair. Then I had a bowl of baking soda beside the sink. I took small handfuls and placed it on her head and rubbed it in. Of course she cried it hurt so I immediately washed it off, afraid that it was hurting her. I tested it again on myself, and felt no pain, but demonstrated to her what I was doing. She was at ease and wanted the yucky cleaned. So we went back to work. In small sections I went at her head, putting the baking soda on and rubbing and massaging her scalp. I could feel it all in my nails and had to rinse my hands a lot. This took about 15 minutes, but her hair was really bad! After I was done massaging her scalp, Her hair had a lot of flakes in it. It took took shampooing to get it all out. The end result was amazing though! She told me after, her head feels lighters and was excited for me to get her hair ready for bed.

So there you have it! Baking soda helps clean the scalp. I think this is something her and I are going to do every couple weeks just to keep it maintained. My other two children do not have this issue, so it is a mystery to me why hers is like this. Let me know your thoughts!

All ready for bed!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

First Week of NO WORK

I don't think I have ever felt so relaxed and stress free. Even though I had 4 appointments this week I still had an amazing week. I didn't get everything I wanted to get done, still working in a routine, but I got the IMPORTANT things that I have missed doing.

Everynight I have been writing out my next days plan and what to do. I also have a checklist that I got HERE. It helps a lot! I don't get everything done on it, but I get enough and it keeps me focus. I love the water count, as I didn't realize how little water I drank in a day. There is even a blank template that you can create your own check list.

My favourite thing this week is getting to wake up and get my kids ready for school and picking them up right after. Not getting home after dinner, or just before bedtime and leaving in the morning before they are even awake. Getting to be home for the little things like brushing their hair and helping them floss their teeth. It is amazing, it makes me extremly happy to be a part of their day to day routine. It really is the little things in life that make us happy. I mean to some people these may be chores and over time they may feel like that to me, but at this moment getting to be home for these things is great.

With me not working, less income is happening. We are aware of this and truth be told a small part of me is worried. When I look at the big picture though this week has been much more calm and relaxed. I don't mean that with me, I mean with my family. The kids are more behaved, when appointment calls come in I am able to organize them quickly without the, "um, hmm, can we do this instead?" and making it longer wait to get them. Also the house is more together, to the point where I started spring cleaning and found my glasses from 5 years ago. Bought them and lost them in a move that I just been using my old ones until last year when I got contacts. I refused to buy new glasses knowning I had a pair somewhere in this house. Phil and I actually get to talk and discuss plans for things. No fustration has come through this house once this week and it feels great.

My FIVE year old BRAND NEW glasses!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Valentines Outfit

This year for valentines day I wanted to make a new outfit for my youngest to wear to daycare. When I found this awesome fabric with pink heart baloons I knew it had to be for her. I sat at the sewing table and wondered what to create, a dress, a skirt a pair of overalls? Well I decided a skirt with a applique shirt and a pair of ruffled leggans. I wasn't to happy with the length of the skirt as it is a knee length, but I thought I'd let her decide. Well as you can see she loved it. At the end of the day we heard a lot of complitments of how adorable her outfit was, even a few asking where we got it. Her grandmother still hasn't stopped talking about how cute it was on her.

I have now made a bunch more of this style of skirts and are available on my Etsy store.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Relax Time Begins

Today I worked my last shift for work. I worked hard and it was a good day. As I said goodbye to my coworkers it started to hit me. When I got in my car I sat there for a minute and took a breath. It was hard to hand in my keys and say good bye. As I sat in my car I even felt a tear roll down my face. I quickly started my car and headed home to see my girls. They are after all the reason I had decided to leave.

Let's rewind a bit though....

Yesterday I went into work with a message from my district manager asking to call, we spoke on the phone and it was a good conversation. By my surprise near the end of my shift she came in to talk with me. We both decided that instead of being done to just take some time off and re-evaluate my schedule. I thank my work for this oportunity. It was a difficult decision to come to and is still difficult to accept, this has given me a bit more ease.

Tomorrow is the start of something fresh. I will be busy sewing and spring cleaning, as well as for the first time in a LONG time I, ME, get to walk my babies to school and pick them up. I couldn't be more excited for just that! I don't think I have ever missed something some much as I have missed that.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Goodbye Work

So I handed in my letter and signed my file that I had decided to leave. This was a very hard and unwanted decision. I had a hard time bringing myself to say the words. The reaction of my coworkers, was what I expected. I feel bad as I am leaving an amazing team, but I have to do what is best for me and my family. Trying to talk with one of my coworkers and apologizing, brought tears to my eyes, cause I know how hard it will be for them, being down a team member. They are a strong team though and will succeed.
Through the years I have worked for this company, I have met AMAZING people and have learned so much. I wouldn't be where I am today with out those people and the training I have received from them. It wasn't just work related training, a lot of what I was taught helped me in my personal life, to develop and become more then I was. So I thank each one of them for that.
With just a couple shifts left, I am nervous but ready. I will be working harder then ever though, but it will be doing what I want to do. Being a mom and being there for me girls.
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Getting Back at it!!

WOW!!  It's been three years since I blogged. WOW!!

I went through and deleted a lot of my old blog posts, and kept just three of my favourites. I figured if I am gonna start up again, lets start fresh.

First some of you might be wondering where did I go?
 -Well I got promoted at work and well I am sure you can fill in the blanks

It's was three years of laughter and joy in the workforce, but some changes have happened in my job and within my family. Needless to say, work was no longer a joy to go to, because my mind was focused on what is going on within my family.

After months, almost 1.5 years actually, of conversation and pros and cons list, its done. I am going back to being a stay-at-home mom and running my business full time again. I couldn't be more excited and nervous at the same time.

I mean stable income, GONE, routines, GONE (will be building a new routine obviously). Thats where the nerves kick in, but the excitement of getting to take my kids to school and see them right after, PRICELESS. Getting to plan and organize events and not get called into work, or be worried I won't get the time off for special events, PRICELESS.

Next question you might have,
What am I going to be doing with this blog now?

I am hoping to work out
up a weekly schedual for myself. I also have a YOUTUBE channel, FACEBOOK page, and an ETSY store to keep up with, so organizing a well thought out plan and routine is going to be major.

I hope to have tutorials, link up parties, dinner menu, share weekly recap stories of my life and more.

In the mean time fan me, like me, subscribe to me... you know what I mean.

Hope you all had a great easter weekend!

I know my girls enjoyed their new scooters! Thanks to poppy for painting them their favourite colours and making them look brand new!
Kay eLle