Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WOW I have been ignoring you!

Wow been 2.5 months since my last post. Sorry I just haven't been in the mood to sew, write or anything really. As you know I am pregnant. We are due just a couple days away. My energy just hasn't been there like normal. I am awake all hours of the night, which I should of used for blogging time, and then working during the days and if I am not working I have appointments for one of us in the family. But I am officially on maternity leave now, happy but sad about that.

So, I have been thinking, with the new baby coming into our lives my routine will take some time getting used to. Once I get it established I want to be better blogging, keep my Youtube channel up and even get my Etsy shop going better. Normally I will admit I go in spurts of being really good, then forget for a awhile, then really good then forget again. I WANT to be better, but it will take time. I know I have written this before, probably many times. ONE of these times it will stick. Maybe even this time.

If you have any suggestions for me, how to keep these things up, maybe how you do it? what way you find works best? I wouldn't mind the suggestions.