Friday, September 12, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 5

Today is a start to another week. Basic lunch today
In everyone's bag:
   Jelly Roll Sandwiches
   Dried fruit
   Gold fish crackers
   Bear paw

Thursday, September 11, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 4

Well it's Friday! Made it to the end of the week. Honestly I was pretty tired making these lunches. It took me twice as long, and there was no real 'effort' to make them fun. But they got food in their lunch so that is the good thing. :P

My Youngest:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

My Middle:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

My Eldest:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

See told you there was not a lot of effort in these ones. 'Mommy Fail'
I will say they all are everything in their lunches though.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 2

First day lunches were a success. They came home with empty lunch pales... I am doing two hot lunch days and 2 cold and one they choose day.

In the box today for older two:  
   Cottage Cheese
   Colours Fish Crackers
   Dried Fruit
   Cereal Bar
   Half a Banana

For my Young one:
   Cottage Cheese
   Coloured Fish Crackers
   Dried Fruit
   Cereal Bar
   (no Peaches I forgot to take out for picture)

Nothing really exciting about this lunch today, but still having fun making them. I bet I will not be saying this for long. How do you all feel about school?

Monday, September 8, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 1

So with my girls in school and me off I am taking over lunch meals for them. Daddy did an amazing job last year while I was pregnant and giving me extra sleep in the morning since I didn't sleep well at night but, well he's daddy and these are his girls, and they got WHATEVER they wanted in their lunches. Boy oh boy were they spoiled.

My goal this year is to introduce new foods, mix things up, and to make it fun.

Today for my older two they got:
   Half a bagel with cream cheese and jelly
   Fish pretzels
   Cucumber sticks
   Juice box
   Water bottle
   and of course a bear paw for dessert
My young one got:
   Cheese cubes
   Swiss crackers
   Fish pretzels
   Apple chunks
   Water bottle
   and a bear paw for dessert too

Over all I think they are a good size lunch. Maybe a little more then some would pack, but I'd rather them come home with food then come home starving. Starving belly equals less concentration in the classroom.

School Lunch Box Day 3

Had a little more fun with today's lunch.

For my youngest I did a Dr. Seuss inspired lunch (sorta):
   Cottage Cheese
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Bear Paw
   Eggs (died)

My eldest (some requested):
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Cucumber Slices
   Bear Paw
   Bagel with Cream Cheese and Jam

My middle one:
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Bear Paw
   Dino Shaped Cheese Sandwich

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Room Redos!

This was written back in January but I guess I never published it and its been in draft format for this long. (We are about to re do the rooms again lol)

So for the holidays, since we had some time off work and this project had been on our to do list for quite some time we got to it.

Our girls being so close in age always shared the biggest room in the house. We do not have a big house so we organized it to work the best for us. The girls had the biggest room, my business was in the medium room and since all we did in our room was sleep, we took the smallest room.

Now you might be thinking, What how can you fit in a small room, well honestly we got out queens bed in and a night stand and a small little nightstand dresser. We lived in that room for 3 years. We asked the girls numerous times which rooms they wanted and who they wanted to be in a room with. My eldest wanted my room and my middle one wanted my office.

First we took apart their bunk beds and gave them to nanny and poppy for their house. Then got to moving our room into the master and boxing up my office. You wouldn't think it would take that much time, but wow did it ever. My office had so much it took a whole week on its own to pack and disassemble the desk.

All the time we were doing this, we made the living room into a a little temporary sleep area. We blocked off the upstairs so the girls couldn't get it. They honestly had no idea we were doing anything for them. They thought we were just cleaning our rooms.

Now when we bought this place we didn't know what colours to choose, so we just painted every room an off shade of whites that we thought looked good. Well our youngest is very sneaky when it comes to makers and got hold of one, one evening a few weeks prior to these rooms being started and colours on two walls, her furniture and the door to our room. We tried washing the walls but these markers wouldn't come off. We were trying to do these rooms on as low budget as we could since it was the holidays and we had just bought Christmas gifts. So I went and checked a storage room where we kept paint cans and found a little bit of purple in a can. I was just enough to do 2/3 of 2 walls. So we go creative and did what we could.
My old office room
Our old room
 So overall we did not spend a lot of money in these rooms. We were very lucky to have gotten things how we did and used things around the house for other ideas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day Back to School

Well after an amazing summer, it's that time again. I sent all my girls to school. Since I am on maternity leave I am hoping to get some blogging time in. Already since they've been gone I've weeded the garden and picked the vegetables. Where I then made homemade salsa.

After cleaning up that mess I got to some laundry and tidy work. Relaxed and watched Sundays Big Brother episode while I stuffed diapers. When the babes finally woke up we got to do some play that can't be done when others are home. (they forget he is on the floor and trample him)
Overall I feel my day has gone by, but it's only half way through. I wonder how many others find they can get more done when the kids are at school? I feel I might get to get some sewing ideas completed this year that I have wanted to do for so long.