Sunday, March 29, 2015

How to make a Bobbin Thread Cover

Do you ever go to your sewing machine and find your bobbin threads have wrapped together somehow? Well because I now no longer have a sewing space I am constantly moving my machine around to where I am sewing. When I am doing this my bobbins are unwinding and getting all tangled with each other. Then I end up spending a while cutting thread and untangling, it really just makes my relax time for sewing a 'ugh i have to do this again'.

Before (waiting to get tangled)
After (with clear bobbin covers)
plastic tubing and some cut rings

Well while cleaning out our basement I found some plastic tubing. I am not sure what we got it for but I got an idea. I am sure I am not the first to think of this but I wanted to try it out. I took a pair of kitchen scissors, I'd probably recommend you use sharper scissors, and went at the tube. I cut small rings, then split the rings, wrapped around the bobbin and I was done.
Split ring

For this project I would recommend 1/4" to 3/4". It was a very simple project and if you go to a local hardware store I am sure you can buy it by the inch in some, making it a very inexpensive project to. That way, if your like me, and loose them (fall off table or go into scrap fabric bag) sometimes it wasn't that expensive.

Give it a try yourself and tell me how it worked for you. I also posted a video on how to, check it out.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and getting ready for spring, which still hasn't come here yet, I am hopeful.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Upcycle a Mens Shirt to a Harem Jumpsuit

Original one I made
So with summer approaching I wanted to make my son something light and breathable. I was asked a few weeks back to make one and I did. After making that one I wanted one for my son too, just more of a boyish look. I couldn't find any colours I liked for it in my fabric stash or my local fabric store, so I thought why not try to make it from a big shirt. Unfortunately we didn't have any that were what I was looking for, so I went to our local WalMart and grabbed the largest $5 t shirt they had. I loved the thought of orange when I was pregnant and still want more orange in his clothing so I grabbed that colour obviously.

I took the design I had drafted a few weeks back and just altered the top part of it, shoulders. I really didn't know how it was going to turn out in the end. I was just going with what I had imagine in my head. As it was coming along I was getting pretty excited it was going so smooth. Then when it was done I couldn't believe it. It worked out perfectly. You may ask why I was shocked about that, well whenever I design something there is always some bumps along the way, but this time there was none, it took me less then 45 minutes to make this outfit. There are some things I may change when I make it again, but for the basic part it was what I wanted.

Thankfully my son was still awake when I had finished so we threw it on him right away and let him try it out. He liked it so much he started walking. I made it a bit big for him, since its for summer, so we did end up rolling the legs up a bit.

Close up of a happy boy and the neck and arm seams
I love making things for my kids and now that I have a boy to make for its even better. I did post a video of myself making it over on my YouTube channel if you want to check it out. If you haven't noticed I have linked up a few areas in this blog already leading you to it. I have photos of my son wearing it and him walking at the end.

As I draft the pattern a bit more I will be sure to share on my blog. I am still learning how to make pdf patterns so I can share them with all of you.

Are you ready for spring? It is snowing as I write this, hopefully we will have some nice warm days soon. What are you excited about for spring and summer?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Custimized Embroidering Birthday Shirts

I know its been a long time since I have been active on here. I want to become more active and share the newest items I have been creating. As some of you know I love to sew, I have had an embroidery machine for a long time but was very hesitant to use it. I am one of those research research people, that I read up as much as I can about something before I attempt it. So when I was pregnant last year I made it my goal to attempt to embroidery a few onesies I was making for the baby. I learned a lot within the first 3 stitch outs. Then when baby came I got busy with my baby boy that I couldn't get to doing any embroidery again. I had dabbled a few times here and there to teach my mom how to use her new, what I call, 'Elite' machine. (Yes I was teaching my mom, she wanted to do some crest for her charity caterings)

Well just before the holiday season I got a request for an order, I figured I had learned enough I would jump in and commit to the order and make these shirts, but I had packed my machine away so I went out to my moms and did it. Then one order turned into 3 and so on so on. I was hooked! I love the endless possibilities. I did learn a few more things as I went on and adjust to accommodate that.
It's now been a few months of making these shirts and I am still loving it. They are customized for you!

I recently had to make a shirt for my daughters 7th birthday. She couldn't decide on just one theme and I got her down to 3. I knew it was going to be a challenge but I felt confident I could do it for her. Cinderella, Hello Kitty and Elsa were what she wanted on her shirt with her name and age. When doing custom like that it takes me a bit of time to design something in my head as to what I want and then a day or two to design on my machine. I love how it turned out and had a very happy girl.

I can't wait to do more orders and keep going with embroidering.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Make you own Dino Tail

I saw a post long ago and said if I had a boy. Well now that I do I can revisit a lot of those things. I have a friend who's son loves Barney, so I made him a Dino tail. I can't wait to make more of these, maybe change up colours ect.
This is a super easy project to make. You do not need a pattern at all. A few sewing tools make it a lot easier but not necessary.
What you will need:
   Fabric for main tail and spikes
   Velcro (or snaps if you want, but velcro is easier for kids)
   Sewing machine
   Polyfil (or if for personal use, you can use up some scrap fabric pieces)
   Fabric marker or non bleeding pen/marker
   Scissors and/or mat and rotary cover
Once you have that all ready cut you main tail fabric 2 @ 22" by 11". Now mark top edge in 4" and side edge down 4.5". Using you ruler and rotary cutter line up the marks and cut. Fold in half lengthwise and cut other side (Save those pieces)
With those scraps cut 2 @ 2" by 22". If you can get 22" get as close as you can.
Then cut a 7" diameter circle.
For the spikes start with 2 @ 4" by 22" strip of fabric.
On that draw out your spikes. I use my mat and ruler here. Using the angle section on the mat I make my measurements. Making each spike slightly smaller as I go.
Once drawn out I go right to sewing machine and sew on my drawing.
Then I cut 1/4" from edges,  clip corners and turn right side out.
Now to assemble the tail.
I sandwich my spikes between my tail pieces.  Sew down that side. On other side sew together leaving 4" gap for turning and stuffing.

Been Awhile again

Hey everyone sorry it has been a while again. Life of a mom things you want to do get pushed back. With that said, thanks to my other half I now have a laptop I can use to do blog post, edit videos for my youtube channel and work on my etsy shop. I have a lot on my plate, I have set my goals and fingers crossed for once I stick to them.

I only have 2 and a bit months left of my maternity leave. I am excited and nervous to go back to work, who else feels like this after being off for a year? You'd think 4th kid I would be a pro at it, but I think I am most nervous this time. I love being home and getting things done as well as spending the time with my kids. My spouse wants me to stay home, but he and I know we can not afford that, so I will be going back. I am looking forward to some social time with co workers ect, but not being away from my baby. He is my absolute last one, we think, and I just want to enjoy every bit of it. He is growing so fast and is super smart. I can not remember any of my girls doing what he can do already.

Anyways just thought I'd say Hi, yet again, and that I will be getting back in the swing of things very shortly.