Friday, September 12, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 5

Today is a start to another week. Basic lunch today
In everyone's bag:
   Jelly Roll Sandwiches
   Dried fruit
   Gold fish crackers
   Bear paw

Thursday, September 11, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 4

Well it's Friday! Made it to the end of the week. Honestly I was pretty tired making these lunches. It took me twice as long, and there was no real 'effort' to make them fun. But they got food in their lunch so that is the good thing. :P

My Youngest:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

My Middle:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

My Eldest:
   Swiss Cheese Crackers
   Fish Pretzels
   Cereal Bar

See told you there was not a lot of effort in these ones. 'Mommy Fail'
I will say they all are everything in their lunches though.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 2

First day lunches were a success. They came home with empty lunch pales... I am doing two hot lunch days and 2 cold and one they choose day.

In the box today for older two:  
   Cottage Cheese
   Colours Fish Crackers
   Dried Fruit
   Cereal Bar
   Half a Banana

For my Young one:
   Cottage Cheese
   Coloured Fish Crackers
   Dried Fruit
   Cereal Bar
   (no Peaches I forgot to take out for picture)

Nothing really exciting about this lunch today, but still having fun making them. I bet I will not be saying this for long. How do you all feel about school?

Monday, September 8, 2014

School Lunch Box Day 1

So with my girls in school and me off I am taking over lunch meals for them. Daddy did an amazing job last year while I was pregnant and giving me extra sleep in the morning since I didn't sleep well at night but, well he's daddy and these are his girls, and they got WHATEVER they wanted in their lunches. Boy oh boy were they spoiled.

My goal this year is to introduce new foods, mix things up, and to make it fun.

Today for my older two they got:
   Half a bagel with cream cheese and jelly
   Fish pretzels
   Cucumber sticks
   Juice box
   Water bottle
   and of course a bear paw for dessert
My young one got:
   Cheese cubes
   Swiss crackers
   Fish pretzels
   Apple chunks
   Water bottle
   and a bear paw for dessert too

Over all I think they are a good size lunch. Maybe a little more then some would pack, but I'd rather them come home with food then come home starving. Starving belly equals less concentration in the classroom.

School Lunch Box Day 3

Had a little more fun with today's lunch.

For my youngest I did a Dr. Seuss inspired lunch (sorta):
   Cottage Cheese
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Bear Paw
   Eggs (died)

My eldest (some requested):
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Cucumber Slices
   Bear Paw
   Bagel with Cream Cheese and Jam

My middle one:
   Gold Fish
   Dried Cranberries
   Bear Paw
   Dino Shaped Cheese Sandwich

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Room Redos!

This was written back in January but I guess I never published it and its been in draft format for this long. (We are about to re do the rooms again lol)

So for the holidays, since we had some time off work and this project had been on our to do list for quite some time we got to it.

Our girls being so close in age always shared the biggest room in the house. We do not have a big house so we organized it to work the best for us. The girls had the biggest room, my business was in the medium room and since all we did in our room was sleep, we took the smallest room.

Now you might be thinking, What how can you fit in a small room, well honestly we got out queens bed in and a night stand and a small little nightstand dresser. We lived in that room for 3 years. We asked the girls numerous times which rooms they wanted and who they wanted to be in a room with. My eldest wanted my room and my middle one wanted my office.

First we took apart their bunk beds and gave them to nanny and poppy for their house. Then got to moving our room into the master and boxing up my office. You wouldn't think it would take that much time, but wow did it ever. My office had so much it took a whole week on its own to pack and disassemble the desk.

All the time we were doing this, we made the living room into a a little temporary sleep area. We blocked off the upstairs so the girls couldn't get it. They honestly had no idea we were doing anything for them. They thought we were just cleaning our rooms.

Now when we bought this place we didn't know what colours to choose, so we just painted every room an off shade of whites that we thought looked good. Well our youngest is very sneaky when it comes to makers and got hold of one, one evening a few weeks prior to these rooms being started and colours on two walls, her furniture and the door to our room. We tried washing the walls but these markers wouldn't come off. We were trying to do these rooms on as low budget as we could since it was the holidays and we had just bought Christmas gifts. So I went and checked a storage room where we kept paint cans and found a little bit of purple in a can. I was just enough to do 2/3 of 2 walls. So we go creative and did what we could.
My old office room
Our old room
 So overall we did not spend a lot of money in these rooms. We were very lucky to have gotten things how we did and used things around the house for other ideas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day Back to School

Well after an amazing summer, it's that time again. I sent all my girls to school. Since I am on maternity leave I am hoping to get some blogging time in. Already since they've been gone I've weeded the garden and picked the vegetables. Where I then made homemade salsa.

After cleaning up that mess I got to some laundry and tidy work. Relaxed and watched Sundays Big Brother episode while I stuffed diapers. When the babes finally woke up we got to do some play that can't be done when others are home. (they forget he is on the floor and trample him)
Overall I feel my day has gone by, but it's only half way through. I wonder how many others find they can get more done when the kids are at school? I feel I might get to get some sewing ideas completed this year that I have wanted to do for so long.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

DIY Baby Neck Pillow (Strollers, Carseats)

I was tired of my babies head drooping down so I decided to make him a neck pillow.

I enlarged the pattern to make one for video purposes. Enjoy!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Welcoming William (Our Newest Addition to our Family)

My previous post was about his birth, here is the after!

Once my little man came, it felt like everything changed. Since he's been born I have been told I am different with him then I was with the girls. I don't see this! I am doing things different with him then I did the girls I know. We are doing cloth diapers, I am trying to breast feed (still trying here were at 5 weeks) and a lot of his stuff is made by me.

I said with this baby I didn't want to do the 'new parent' thing where you go crazy and spend a lot of money. As you have seen in my prior posts 'baby on a budget' is my attempt this time. So far so good.

Question for you, did you find yourself treating one sex different as an infant then the other?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

DIY - How to make a pocket burp cloth

This is more for a gift then on a budget, but an easy way to make this on a budge is to take a towel you already own and a receiving blanket you like and if you want some ribbon, ribbon isn't needed. Follow these instructions and you have an awesome pockey burp cloth.

We have been using ours for amonth now and love them. We still use the good old receiving blanket, but our baby tends to throw up quite a bit, he is still getting used to the let down and the fast flow, so these are great for him. They are super absorbant!!

DIY - How to make your own Baby Wash Cloths

These are not the wipes I made for bum changes but the cloths I made for bath time and clean up faces ect. I choose this one sided terry cloth for this project. It was super cheap, mainly cause I had the fabric already, and easy to make. You can choose to make them any size you prefer, but I went with the standard size. If you want to buy this fabric check your local fabric store, I normally find it in the ends bin for pretty cheap.

How to make you own Baby Wipe Solution

So I haven't shared how I made my baby wipes here but I will share soon.

1 tbsp. no rinse Baby Wash

1 tbsp. Coconut Oil

1 cup of warm to hot water

mix all ingredients together and pour over wipes in wipe warmer.

Please note because coconut oil goes soild it needs to stay warm or be used quickly. It can not be used in a spray bottle.

We have been using this for the past month and even the hubby says he prefers cloth wipes over disposable now. He made the comment with disposable he would use 3 to 6 a change for dirty bum changes and with cloth he ends up using 1 to possibly 2.

I will do a post later about how I laundry these. It is super simple and no my wipes are not all stained up they are amazing clean.

Our Baby is here!!

Well as some of you know we were expecting a new baby. We didn't know what we were having.


Our 4th child but our 1st boy. When they showed me he was a boy, I was filled with joy but fear as well. He is now a month old and is doing amazing. The first couple weeks I was still in awe that I have a boy and did A LOT of reading about baby boys. I learned so much in such a little amount of time. I am still learning, but feel more confident with having a boy now. It is a big change for me as the last boy diaper I changed was my little cousin Tyler which was more then 10 years ago. Most of my friends had girls too, so never needed to change a boys bottom.

Anyways, as some of you have asked how the delivery was I thought I'd share a little.

We were due on the the Tuesday and everyone kept telling me baby is coming soon. On Wednesday my work invited me to the secretary dinner and my boss informed me I was going to go in labour on Thursday. I laughed and told her. 'I don't think so it will happen by induction I bet'. So Thursday day hubby took me to lunch and didn't let me do a lot of sitting around that day. I was trying to finish up some spring dresses my girls had requested. When they home from school we said we'd take them to the park so they could ride their bikes. We walked over to their school park and let them play, our middle one neede to go pee so Daddy left me alone at the park with the other two and took her home to go pee. Right when he left I felt a tummy pain, which I ignored as just having to got to the bathroom pain, then just as I saw him returning (about 15 minutes later) I got another tummy pain, but this one more so. I told him about them and we told the girls 15 more minutes then we neto go home. I proceeded to walk to the other climber, which my youngest had run to, when I felt a pull in my lower stomac. I froze, must of shown a face cause hubby came running to me asking if I was okay. I reassured him I was fine just a weird feeling. then I took a step, felt a little wet, and said, " I think I peed myself a little" he laughed and said "okay, we will go home so you can change." Instantly it gushed out. I never had a pregnancy where my water broke fully. I said, "Um nope my water broke, yep my water broke, im soaked, we need to go home" He gathered the girls as I started the walk home, with soaking wet pants and shoes, leaving little feet trails as I walk.

I knew I wasn't having contraction and didn't need any medication or anything but still wanted to go to hospital to make sure everything was okay. We went, they didn't believe me that my water broke, until they did test. My contractions were inconsistent and said I they were to busy to move my labour along so wanted me to wait till it had been 12 hours since water broke. I was fine with that and went home. Layed in bed while hubby got lunches and school bags together for kids for their grandmother to get them to school in the morning. By the middle of the night I had to go to the bathroom and that's when it started. I new I was having contractions but didn't tell hubby. He started checking on me and timing them. Being the pain that I am I didn't tell him everytime I had one. I wanted to wait till I felt they were strong enough to in to the hospital. I called hospital when I felt they were close enough and they told me to come on down.

The trip from the car to the hospital bed took a while as I wanted to walk up. I remember telling hubby how nervous I was to go into labour again. It has been 5 years since last child. He reassured me that I was a pro at it and would do great, he had no worries. When we got to labour and delivery he told them the information. The nurse didn't believe I was in labour that close cause I was walking but said they'd check me out and see. Sure enough I was having major contractions, she couldn't believe I wasn't screaming or saying anything and still walking around. She had a resident check to see how far I was, which was 5 cm. So they moved me into a delivery room. It was only a couple hours later and he was born.

I don't remember a lot of the time as I just focused on breathing through contractions and stay relaxed. I think my favourite thing was opening my eyes to see hubby falling asleep and telling him to wake up and then the next time I saw him falling asleep my body threw up on him. The one nurse was making me drink water constantly so I wasn't dehydrated. well it went all of daddy to be. I kept apologizing to him, as I didn't mean to, and he said, "stop apologizing, I get the hint, don't fall asleep"

Anyways that's my labour story. I was longest time in labour out of the 4, but the hard labour was only about 20 minutes. It was all worth it to have my little boy now!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WOW I have been ignoring you!

Wow been 2.5 months since my last post. Sorry I just haven't been in the mood to sew, write or anything really. As you know I am pregnant. We are due just a couple days away. My energy just hasn't been there like normal. I am awake all hours of the night, which I should of used for blogging time, and then working during the days and if I am not working I have appointments for one of us in the family. But I am officially on maternity leave now, happy but sad about that.

So, I have been thinking, with the new baby coming into our lives my routine will take some time getting used to. Once I get it established I want to be better blogging, keep my Youtube channel up and even get my Etsy shop going better. Normally I will admit I go in spurts of being really good, then forget for a awhile, then really good then forget again. I WANT to be better, but it will take time. I know I have written this before, probably many times. ONE of these times it will stick. Maybe even this time.

If you have any suggestions for me, how to keep these things up, maybe how you do it? what way you find works best? I wouldn't mind the suggestions.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Nursing Pillow

Well I went through my list and one of the things I really wanted again for this baby was a nursing pillow. I remember when we bought ours the last time how expensive it was. So I started looking for DIY and second hand ones for a good price. Just when I was about to give up and make one I found a one on my local kijiji listing for $5. I couldn't buy the stuffing for that cheap. So we went out and picked it up.
Being that our family has allergies, I soaked and washed this by hand and let dry. Then I looked at it and was really unhappy with how it looked. It was very plain and didn't give me that soft/cozy feel. Our first one had a cover that was flannel fabric. I did not let the look of it disappoint me  for long. I went through some boxes of fabric I had stored away from 5 years ago and found the perfect fabric. Since we don't know what we are having I couldn't be more thrilled with the colour of the fabric.
I got busy the next night with my sewing machine and planned out how to make this. I picked up a 24" zipper from the fabric store that would match for just under $1.50. I am still editing this video for my YouTube channel, you can check it out my other DIY projects if you want.

So overall I spent $6.50 on this nursing pillow and about 2 hours of my time. I say that is getting ready for a baby on a budget, don't you?

Baby Bibs

In preparing for the baby I was looking around what I had in the house to make some bibs. I am a bit of a freak when it comes to my kids clothes as a baby. There isn't many photos of my girls without a bib on. I didn't want to buy any because its something I can make. So When I was looking for fabric for the nursing pillow I came across all the fat quarters that Grandma Maggie had shipped to me about 4 years ago from New Brunswick for Christmas. I was always complaining to her that I couldn't find Care Bear fabric locally and when she found some she bought it for me to make for my youngest. Unfortunately 3 kids back to back didn't leave me a lot of time to sew for her. So these got tucked away till now.
While the kids were being good and staying in their beds I got to cutting up some of these fabrics into big shaped. I then grabbed some flannel I had and picked the colours I had that matched and cut them out as well. I got busy and in no time at all I had a set of 5 bibs. I only choose a few fabrics from the stash, as I was only making newborn to 3 months size bibs. I will probably make more with the rest of the fabric though. I was really impressed I was able to get 3 bib cuts from each fat quarter. So over al I made 15 bibs. I will make a video of this soon on my YouTube channel.

All that's left for me to do is add some snaps or Velcro hook and loop tape. I think I will go with snaps though. I am really happy with how these turned out. I posted to my Facebook and got a good response from them. I think they are cute and perfect for either gender. Also love the fact that they are reversible. I can have them wear the fun printed side or the soft flannel side. I also like that I didn't end up spending any money for 15 bibs and just used about 2.5 hours of my time.

*suggestion, if you want to make your own but don't have fabric like me. See what you have in your linen closet. Do you have some receiving blankets not being used? some flat bed sheets not being used? Even some towels not being used? Really the possibilities are endless.

My Eldest is SEVEN!

Wow where have the years gone! My baby girl is now seven years old. I can not believe how quickly these years have gone by. She is an amazing little girl, who is into everything! She amazes me everyday and is learning so much so fast. The past few appointments I don't even feel like she needs me there anymore. You know how before your little ones want you to hold their hand or you need to tell them everything that's going on in a calm way before it happens. Well our last dentist appointment she was telling the dentists what they were doing and why they were doing it. She didn't cry or budge an inch when the did any of the work. This brought tears to my eyes. I am watching my little girl get stronger and stronger before my eyes. She didn't even need to hold my hand during the procedure.

Now that she is seven and has her own room she is very particular with what goes in her room, where it goes and everything. If I make her bed wrong she gets upset about it. I know your probably asking why am I making her bed, she is seven. Well she actually makes her own bed I just so happen to wash her bedding the one day while she was at school and re make it. She did thank me for washing her floor and empting her garbage bin though. Anyways to the point I am getting to, when we asked her what she wanted for her birthday she asked for a place to put her laundry. She hates her clothes all over the floor or in a pile. Normally we have them put it in a basket in the hallway, but we figured if this is what she wants this is what she will get. We looked EVERYWHERE for one, and with no luck. I finally found one I thought she may like, and well by this picture you can see she did.

For our kids, since they are so close in age, we generally don't do birthday parties that much. They just have so much and really don't need more, and we can not afford everything they want. So we pick a few things they can use/need and something to play with as gifts for them. I know this may sound silly but as they have gotten older our birthday budget has gone up. For their birthdays after 5 we said $100 would be the budget, unless they wanted a big party with their friends then that would be their gift. We don't see the point in over doing it as we want the kids to be thankful for what they have and use what they have. How do you feel about this?

Here are some pictures of our fun evening!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Update on How I am getting Organized

So earlier this year I told you about my new method of getting organize. I have been at it a month now and have to admit I am still loving it. I find myself at random times checking it and it is helping me so much. I have such a forgetful memory that I always forget what I have and haven't done, what I need to do first and what can wait. I love this little task check list on my phone. I even added in when I need to pay bills and have it remind me every month. I have started to add in things I want for around the house or need to do for the house that are just one time projects.

Now you might be reading this and saying, "wow that list must be getting long!"

Well your right it is getting long, but only the item bolded are what need to be done. Everything else can wait, and even if I miss a deadline, it isn't constantly reminding me. It will just stay on the task check list till I check it off. I wish I had of started doing this years ago, I haven't felt so relaxed and calm about everything I need to do. I always set my goals high, which is hard to achieve with 3 kids in the house, but am finding this helping me complete it and stay on task.

Car Seat Canopy Cover

So when my girls were babies we used to drape a blanket over the car seat. It would always fall down or slid of and we were constantly arranging it. Honestly when it got warmer out we just never covered the car seat anymore.

So with this baby due in April I thought I should get bus making a car seat canopy cover. I thought of just grabbing a blanket I already had and adding the straps, but wanted to go one step further. But if you are not a sewer and want this, that is an alternate routine to go. You can take scrap piece and hand sew it on and use snaps or sticky Velcro. It is really very simple.

Well last night I got busy and made this one with the help of this tutorial. It is a very easy tutorial to follow and easy to alter. I quickly went into my fabric stash and pulled out some more Dr. Suess fabric I had. I wanted to line it with black but then re thought that it would make it to dark and attack the sun more in the summer. So I went with white flannel. I was a little disappointed to find I didn't have enough to make one cut of the white, so I got creative and pieced together the white till it matched the dimensions I wanted. (this is something you can do very easily with scraps even to give a quilted look)

Now if your not like me and want to make this, take a look at some flat sheets you aren't using in your linen closet and some receiving blankets you may have. This project really has no limits and was simple and fun to make.

So there you have my new car seat canopy cover. I am debating adding a peep hole in the front. I choose to do a black bottom as yellow well look dirty fast and if it hits the ground I didn't want it showing so much.

This cover cost me nothing to make but a couple hours of my time.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

So baby stuff!

So I thought since I have been feeling this pressure I would start a mini series about it.

As you know we are expecting baby #4 for us. As you may also remember we were not planning on any more children and are very unprepared for this. We live on a tight monthly budget, as I am sure a lot of people do, so having another baby and needing all the baby stuff again has been very overwhelming.

Well if you are like us and don't have a lot of money and need to prepare for baby. There are so many ways to do this. First write out the list of everything you need and want. Be realistic here though, brands, colour and style doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What I mean really is don't get to set on one thing cause it might not happen. Once you have your list ready. Then just slowly keep eyes out online on used sites, if you know a friend getting rid of stuff see if they want to sell or even give to you. Don't think you need everything at once. You have 9 months to prepare for this.

Now when it comes to some things that you do want to be particular on, give yourself a budget of what you think you can afford towards it and slowly every week put money aside for it. For example for us hubby only wants a new bathtub, and I only want a certain kind of glass baby bottles. The bath tub is not that expensive, so I will just keep eye out for when a store has on sale, as I will with the bottles. The bottles I want are $15 a bottle and I'd like to start with at least 5. I have been putting aside $5 a week towards these bottles, and then when a sale comes up I have the money aside for them, so it will not feel like a financial hit on my budget.

Another thing is to look at is if you a re crafty see what you can make with what you have to save even more money. This little series will also have me showing you some items I have made for baby.

I hope you enjoy this series and follow along as I share.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How I am going to get organized

So last year I tried this daily sheet, I would prep the sheet the night before of what I was going to do the next day and what needed to be done. I laminated it so I could easily do the wipe off method. This worked for, oh lets say a few weeks. I found when I would think of things I need to do the sheet wasn't around and then when I did have the sheet I couldn't remember what it is I wanted to do. Mommy brain!

Well this year I am going to try something new. Because I need to get organized and get things done in the house. We finally got the rooms done for the girls, I will share later. So I want to keep things tidy and organized. But simple daily chores I sometimes forget. I don't know how but I get side tracked with this or that and it doesn't end up getting done.

So while cleaning up my phone of photos and videos from 2013 I noticed the task app. I played around with it for a bit and then it hit me. Why not use this as my daily/weekly/monthly check list. So I got busy adding in my daily chores and have it set to repeat, then I added my weekly, monthly. I even added some projects I want to get done. As I think of things I just keep adding to the list. Yes, the list looks big now, and to some maybe discouraging. But hey, I don't need to do everything on the list at once.

So now its been a week of trying this method out. I didn't do so well first few days and am still working on it. But a new thing I love about it is even if the deadline has past it stays there. So for example I have put load of laundry in for everyday. I was away for a few days where I couldn't. When I got home I started laundry and checked off completed for one load. My phone tells me this deadline has past, I say okay, then it appears on my list again. Which means if I have time, do another load that day. Which I do! This way the who thought of load a day I will keep up is still in play, sort of. I mean normally I would forget I was away and didn't do laundry those days and still just do one a day and then I look at my laundry room and am wondering how I feel behind.

Needless to say, I am loving this method so far. I don't feel overwhelmed that I need to sit down at night and write out a new list. I don't feel bad and discourage when I didn't complete everything I had written on the page that day. To me I am feeling less pressure therefor I feel I am getting more done. With the new baby coming I am sure this will change a bit but if I can get a head of things now I think it will make things all that much better then.

What do you do to stay organize?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Getting fit and motivate, how do you?

So with this new year coming. I went back and organized all videos and photos of 2013. I was really working hard on taking out bad foods and drinks from my diet and slowly getting myself to lose weight. Well come July I was getting frustrated that all my new clothes were getting to tight, didn't make sense to me. Then I found out late August we were pregnant. So my whole workout plan was thrown away. I looked into aqua fit and other light things, but nothing worked with our schedules.
While being pregnant I actually haven't gained any weight since 3 months. Mind you I have been sick and not eating a lot if anything, which is incredibly bad I know. But when I eat I try to avoid fatty foods and stick with water or milk for drinks. This also being anything else makes me sick. I hope to do some light work outs each week and when the baby comes get back into getting fit and healthy. This is a BIG challenge for me as I love certain foods and drinks. I think this is a challenge for all though.
What do you do to stay healthy and get fit? I don't want to go on a strict diet or do anything to dramatically because lets face it, 4 kids and one being a baby I won't have the time to prepare those healthy meals and honestly will just forget to eat like I do now as I am so busy getting the kids food ready.
For the holidays I got what I wanted, a slow cooker. I hope to use this quite often as my cooking abilities are not as great as their dads. I am the baker of the house, I love to bake, but never eat the sweets, weird eh! Do you have any good cook book recipes for slow cookers? I got one for the holidays and it looks confusing but is still pretty awesome as it is very details and descriptive.

To motivate myself getting fit and healthy I made a video/slideshow of myself over 2013, I compared it to 2012 and wow did I gain a lot it feels like in 1 year. I look at this video and it so far has motivated me and hope it will motivate me more. Not only in weight and health but it beauty and joy as well. I mean some days I just don't feel like getting my hair done and make up, but I look at those photos and remember how great those days were and want more like that.