Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Car Seat Canopy Cover

So when my girls were babies we used to drape a blanket over the car seat. It would always fall down or slid of and we were constantly arranging it. Honestly when it got warmer out we just never covered the car seat anymore.

So with this baby due in April I thought I should get bus making a car seat canopy cover. I thought of just grabbing a blanket I already had and adding the straps, but wanted to go one step further. But if you are not a sewer and want this, that is an alternate routine to go. You can take scrap piece and hand sew it on and use snaps or sticky Velcro. It is really very simple.

Well last night I got busy and made this one with the help of this tutorial. It is a very easy tutorial to follow and easy to alter. I quickly went into my fabric stash and pulled out some more Dr. Suess fabric I had. I wanted to line it with black but then re thought that it would make it to dark and attack the sun more in the summer. So I went with white flannel. I was a little disappointed to find I didn't have enough to make one cut of the white, so I got creative and pieced together the white till it matched the dimensions I wanted. (this is something you can do very easily with scraps even to give a quilted look)

Now if your not like me and want to make this, take a look at some flat sheets you aren't using in your linen closet and some receiving blankets you may have. This project really has no limits and was simple and fun to make.

So there you have my new car seat canopy cover. I am debating adding a peep hole in the front. I choose to do a black bottom as yellow well look dirty fast and if it hits the ground I didn't want it showing so much.

This cover cost me nothing to make but a couple hours of my time.

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